Euptech – Conseil et d’Assistance Technique en Ingénierie Electrique


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Our maintenance division ensures optimal service continuity thanks to preventive and curative maintenance solutions.

Métier Formateur à l'exploitation et maintenance

Preventive maintenance

Thanks to the technical skills of our technicians, we provide preventive maintenance services such as maintenance and control of your electrical installations.

We check the proper functioning of the electrical cells as well as their maintenance:

  • Mechanical and electrical handling;
  • Checking electrical connections;
  • Lubrication;
  • Cleaning.
Habilitation électrique basse tension

Curative maintenance

If your equipment is damaged, our teams of technical experts operate on site for any mechanical and / or electrical repairs. The replacement of destroyed electrical parts can also be considered.

These interventions also include the analysis of the causes of the incident, the correction of any fault (s) and repairs.