New Abu Dhabi Airport
LV/HT electrical equipments of the new Abu Dhabi airport : installation, supervision, tests and commissioning.
New Abu Dhabi Airport
Sector : Industry
Name project : New Abu Dhabi airport
Name client : N/A
Location : United Arabic Emirates (Abu Dhabi)
Realization : 2016
Duration : On-going
Topic : LV/HV electrical equipments installations (power 2 000 Megawatts)
Missions :
- Dielectrical tests LV of 35 000 cables ;
- Installation, supervision, test and commissioning of 81 22kv ;
- Test and commissioning of 81 LV SS, all of the SMDB, automation transfer system, scada and LV cables ;
- Test and commissioning for MV equipments and transformers ;
- Test and commisionning for LV panels and automation transfer systems ;
- Test and commissionning for the whole LV network ;
- MV cable testing ;
- Vérification des terminaisons de câbles moyenne tension MV et mesure de décharge partielle.
Equipments : N/A