NEOEN – Solar Plant
Solar project from the engineering phase to the electrical protection relay commissioning and start-up.
NEOEN Solar Plant - Technical details
Sector : Solar
Name of project : NEOEN Lugos, NEOEN Bram, NEOEN Azur, NEOEN Miremont, NEOEN St Avit, NEOEN Jamaica
Nom of client : NEOEN
Location : France (Lugos, Bram, Miremont, Saint-Avit) and Jamaica
Realization : 2018-2019
Duration : 8 to 12 months
Topic : Solar plant
Mission :
- Solar project realization (grid boxes and transformer shelters) ;
- Validation of the customer’s need, FAT and drawings ;
- FAT and on-site management ;
- On-site engineers planification ;
- Quality documents realization, safety and DOE ;
- Commissioning of grid boxes, SM6 cubicles and transformer shelters, RM6 cubicles and transformers on solar projects (NEOEN France & Jamaica) ;
- Protection relays settings and testing with testing box, commissioning of MV cubicles, transformers.
Equipments :
Cotel testing box for VIP410 protection relays settings on RM6.
Engineers staffed :
1 electrical engineering engineer and 2 commissioning & start-up technicians (for TFO setting and set up of transformer shelters).